About Us


The history, mission and vision of the Latin American Maritime Insurance Association.


Our affiliates enjoy different benefits related to information, training, networking and good practices.


High-level advisory and decision-making commissions made up of experts with extensive experience in the marine field in Latin America.


Consult the Statutes, the Code of Ethics and the Default Policy of our Association.

Board of Directors

Meet the members who run the Alsum operation.


Get to know the companies and associations that are part of the Alsum community.


Information and contact information for the members of the Association’s administrative and communications team.


Consult the contact information of the areas in charge of the marine branch of the different affiliated companies of Alsum.


Dynamic, specialized and sustainable underwriting

ALSUM is aimed to improve marine underwriting standards in the region, by way of knowledge (information, discussions and education) and taking the professional practice of the most advanced markets worldwide as reference, without neglecting the reality of the Latin American business environment.

The vision of ALSUM is to consolidate as the largest source of information and knowledge of Marine Insurance in Latin America, as well as being the most prestigious body to recommend standards, risk management practices, clauses and regulations, and the most accepted and recognized entity to certify the suitability of marine underwriters in the region.


Globalized market, competitivity, innovation and high standards

The Marine Insurance is often referred to as the dean of all insurances. Not only is the oldest, but one of the most complexes and standardized worldwide.

The cargo flows through large and sophisticated supply chains, trucks travel hundreds of miles, ships sail in rivers and seas, ports move millions of containers in economic, social and regulatory fluctuant environments.

In such a challenging context, it was necessary to count with a regional association which promoted world-class underwriting standards and risk management.


The ALSUM Project was consolidated on May 6th, 2011, when, at AIG in Miami, Gabriel Fabrega, Xavier Pazmiño, Mauricio de la Guardia, Erika Schoch, Fabricio Campos, James Garcia, Maria Fernanda Alonso, David Goldbaum, Rodrigo Amengual and Leonardo Umaña met and developed the first strategic planning exercise to draw up the statutes of the Association.

The Latin American Association of Marine Underwriters – Alsum – was conceived as a non-profit foundation, capitalized by insurers and reinsurers with presence in Latin America, both local and multinational.

The Alsum Foundation is an entity dedicated to provide information, training courses, accreditation exams and discussion scenarios to the community of marine underwriters in Latin America. Alsum services also extend to insurance and reinsurance brokers, adjusters, risk managers, lawyers, logistics operators, and all those companies or professionals who are interested in the shipping and logistics business and their insurance.

Alsum have the approval of various associations of insurance, such as the International Union of Marine Underwriters – IUMI, based in Germany, the Argentinian Associations of Insurance Companies – AACS, the Chilean Insurance Association,- AACH, the Costa Rican Association of Private Insurers – AAP, the Panamanian Association of Insurers – APADEA, the Mexican Association of Insurance Companies – AMIS, the Peruvian Association of Insurance Companies – APESEG, the Colombian Federation of Insurers – Fasecolda, the Ecuadorian Federation of Insurance Companies – FEDESEG, and the Inter American Federation of Insurance Companies – FIDES.

In 2016 the Board decided to open the legal operation in Colombia, under the name of Alsum Foundation – Colombia, with the same statutes and bodies of the headquarters in Panama.



Alsum offers to its affiliates a complete agenda of academic activities in different formats: cycles of virtual update forums, given by the most prepared and reputed speakers located anywhere in the world. E-Learning courses with approval certification to learn about the business, improve the performance and specialize.

Workshops and underwriting games, where the affiliates can test their knowledge in real cases or complete simulations.

  • Cargo E-Learning.
  • Hull E-Learning.
  • Diploma in senior management. Soon
  • On demand.

For more information, juan.avella@alsum.co

A great community at the service of all

The academic platform and the training spaces provided by Alsum are an excellent opportunity to strengthen or wide your contact network.

The different events of Alsum, such as the Conference or the face-to-face forums have become a fundamental networking space to do businesses, exchange information and consolidate the Latin American network of all the actors involved in marine insurance.

The contact network of Alsum will facilitate strategic alliances, knowledge transferring and exploring new markets.

  • Latin American Marine Insurance Conference
  • Assemblies
  • Technical Committees
  • Forums
  • Affiliates Directory

News and statistics about marine insurance

Alsum looks for, filters, summarizes, and publishes the most relevant news of the marine insurance industry and its environment. Tha Association also collects and consolidates the statistics of marine insurance in Latin America and the economical variables that explain its behavior.

Alsum conducts surveys in a permanent basis to monitor the perception of underwriters and the performance of critical areas in the marine insurance business. Alsum exchanges information with the IUMI, which allows its affiliates and users to consult the most relevant contents and statistics of the global marine insurance market.Our content and document production is of great interest for the Latin American maritime sector. As affiliate you will be able to benefit from contents such as:

  • Cargo Insurance Handbook
  • Technical documents
  • Alsum Magazine
  • Latin American market figures
  • Newsletters
  • Cargo Handbook

Alsum also provides the most complete directory of underwriters, brokers and suppliers of marine insurance in Latin America, and reports on a daily basis news to its community (publications, awards, events, releases) from Mexico to Argentina, including Brazil.

The academic platform and the training spaces provided by Alsum are an excellent opportunity to strengthen or wide your contact network.

Latin American Marine Insurance Conference

  • Conferences
  • Assemblies
  • Committees
  • Seminars
  • Affiliates Directory


Its function is to promote the objectives of the Association in the field of education for the benefit of all its members, through the structuring and implementation of the Strategic Plan for Education and the educational work agenda arising from the Technical Committees; it will also monitor and promote the thematic agenda of the Association in its physical and digital publications.

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It is in charge of supervising the Association’s expenditure in accordance with the general budget approved by the General Assembly and the attributions policy approved by the full Board of Directors.

It oversees the Association expenses according to the general budget approved by the General Assembly and the attribution policy approved by the Board.

Actas Comité Ejecutivo

Los documentos de Actas del comité ejecutivo son exclusivamente para consulta de afiliados.

Afíliese ahora siguiendo este link.

Its purpose is to promote the technical objectives of the Association, from the perspective of cargo insurance, as well as loss prevention, for the benefit of the affiliates.

Actas Comité Técnico de Carga y Prevención de Pérdidas

Los documentos de Actas del comité técnico de Carga y prevención de pérdidas son exclusivamente para consulta de afiliados.

Afíliese ahora siguiendo este link.

Its purpose is to promote the technical objectives of the Association, from the perspective of cargo insurance, as well as loss prevention, for the benefit of the affiliates.

Actas del Comité técnico de carga y responsabilidades marítimas

Los documentos de Actas del comité técnico de carga y responsabilidades marítimas son exclusivamente para consulta de afiliados.

Afíliese ahora siguiendo este link.


Consult the Statutes, the Code of Ethics and the Default Policy of our Association


Consult the legal and organic structure of Alsum. (last update 11.14.2019)

Código de Ética

Principios por los que se rige la Asociación Latinoamericana de Seguros Marítimos

Política de Mora

Política de Mora para pagos de renovación de Afiliación.

Board of Directors

It is the body in charge of the management and representation of the Association and also chooses, ratifies or changes the Secretary-General.

It is composed of nine (9) members who can only be representatives of companies affiliated to the Association as Principal Members. The members are elected by the Assembly and their term on the Board of Directors will be two (2) years, with the possibility of being reelected indefinitely.


In Europe and North America, the sophistication of marine insurance has justified the creation of centenary institutions such as the International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI), the American Institute of Marine Underwriters (AIMU), the Inland Marine Underwriters Association (IMUA) and the Canadian Board of Marine Underwriters (CBMU), amongst others. However, Latin America never consolidated an academic and discussion scenario specialized in marine insurance, until now.

This section is an acknowledgement to the insurance and reinsurance companies which, since 2010 had the vision of creating the Latin American Association of Marine Underwriters – ALSUM, with the purpose of promoting education and the professional growth of all marine underwriters in Latin America.

Thanks to the effort, ideas and initial capital contributed by this group of companies, ALSUM is a reality at the service of the entire community of professionals involved in the maritime insurance industry in Latin America.

The thanks to our founders will remain forever.

Leonardo Umaña M.


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