En vista del buen desarrollo comercial en el ejercicio que acaba de finalizar, el Comité Ejecutivo y el Consejo de Supervisión propondrán a la Junta General Anual que se pague un dividendo ordinario de EUR 4,50 (EUR 4,00) por acción para 2020. La tasa de pago resultante – con el 61% de los ingresos netos del Grupo – está claramente por encima del rango objetivo de 35% a 45% que normalmente apunta Hannover Re. Con base en el precio de cierre de la acción de fin de año, esto produce una rentabilidad por dividendo del 3,5%.
Algunas conclusiones:
- La prima bruta crece un 12,0% ajustada por los efectos del tipo de cambio
- Gastos por pérdidas importantes superiores a lo previsto por cuarto año consecutivo
- Los ingresos netos del grupo ascienden a 883 millones de euros (año anterior: 1.300 millones de euros)
- El retorno sobre el capital alcanza el 8,2% (13,3%)
- Dividendo ordinario propuesto de 4,50 EUR (4,00 EUR) por acción
- Pago de un dividendo especial omitido a la luz de las oportunidades de mercado actualmente disponibles.
- Orientación para 2021 confirmada: ingresos netos del grupo en el rango de 1,15 mil millones de euros a 1,25 mil millones de euros
Consulta la noticia original en: https://www.hannover-re.com/1665733/annual-results[:en]Hannover Re – «The coronavirus has had an enormous impact on all our lives and I would like to express our sympathies to those who have endured personal suffering as a result of the virus,» Jean-Jacques Henchoz, Chief Executive Officer of Hannover Re, said. “We are playing our part in overcoming the consequences of this pandemic and are contributing our expertise to the development of coverage concepts for future extreme events. As one of the largest and most financially robust reinsurers, we continue to be a reliable partner at our customers’ side. In the pandemic year 2020 Hannover Re achieved a very good result, thereby again demonstrating its superb risk-carrying capacity and its broad diversification. We are benefiting particularly strongly from the sustained improvement in prices and conditions on our market. With a view to maximising the available business opportunities, we have decided to omit payment of a special dividend for 2020 and instead to slightly raise the ordinary dividend.»
In view of the good business development in the financial year just ended, the Executive Board and Supervisory Board will propose to the Annual General Meeting that an ordinary dividend of EUR 4.50 (EUR 4.00) per share should be paid for 2020. The resulting payout ratio – at 61% of Group net income – is clearly above the target range of 35% to 45% that Hannover Re normally aims for. Based on the share’s year-end closing price, this produces a dividend yield of 3.5%.
- Gross premium grows by 12.0% adjusted for exchange rate effects
- Major loss expenditure higher than anticipated for fourth year in succession
- Group net income amounts to EUR 883 million (previous year: EUR 1.3 billion)
- Return on equity reaches 8.2% (13.3%)
- Proposed ordinary dividend of EUR 4.50 (EUR 4.00) per share
- Payment of a special dividend omitted in light of currently available market opportunities
- Guidance for 2021 confirmed – Group net income in the range of EUR 1.15 billion to EUR 1.25 billion
See the original article in: https://www.hannover-re.com/1665733/annual-results[:]